Giving back
South America is a land of economic and social contrasts. At Oyikil Travel we believe that education is the path to reducing these inequalities. Since many years ago Oyikil is closely involved with a local school, Nuestra Señora del Rosario, located in the San Fernando neighborhood. This school has 740 students with socioeconomic needs. The school offers lunch for the kindergarten children, as well as support for families in need, social workers and academic support. If you are interest in giving a helping hand or having further information you can contact
Escuela Nuestra Señora del Rosario
Alberto Hueyo 379, San Fernando, Buenos Aires
See Location
Environment & Wildlife
Oyikil Travel supports Aves Argentinas a local NGO created 102 years ago dedicated to protecting local birdlife and nature in Argentina, member of BirdLife International. This NGO works to protect the hábitat through conservation projects, research, education and communication and has an ample network of more than 100 Birding Clubs. Oyikil has many guests interested in Birding and works closely with Birding guides and their passion drove us to contribute to the Aves Argentinas cause.
Travel in South America
Oyikil Travel is an active member of Destino Argentina, an organization that brings together more than 100 outstanding companies in the country. Since 2003, we have oriented ourselves to the international promotion of Argentina to position the country among one of the best premium destinations for guests from around the world. Our engine is our love for Argentina and the conviction that it is a unique place with unlimited potential.